VBS 2020

VBS 2020 was a bit different than our usual Vacation Bible School, as we all have had to make adjustments to our normal routine and procedures. 

In spite of the changes, we managed to have a great time for our young people. 

This year, we decided to host VBS on Friday and Saturday, September 11-12, for a Friday night and Saturday morning Fun Fair. 

On Friday night, we were blessed to have an adult and a child both accept Christ as their Savior, which was the highlight of the event.

Some of the fun activities the children enjoyed were bozo buckets, a bounce house, face painting, darts, golf, and duckies in a pond.

Each child received tickets for their attendance, bringing visitors and memorizing Bible verses.  They could trade the tickets for prizes. 

They also received a meal ticket for a hotdog, chips, and a drink. 

One lucky winner received a three-wheel scooter!

We had a goal for VBS 2020 to raise $400 for BEAMS to pay for Bibles going to the foreign field.  We reached and surpassed our goal by raising $630 this year.  Special thanks to everyone who gave.

We are so thankful to have a church family who give of their time and energies to work together to make our annual Vacation Bible School a success.  We are already looking forward to next year!

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Sunday Morning:
Sunday School  9:00 am

Morning Worship 10:00 am

Sunday Evening:
Choir Practice 5:00 pm
Discipleship Class 5:15 pm
Evening Service 6:00 pm

Wednesday Evening:
King's Kids 6:45 pm
Bible Study 7:00 pm