Special Events & Church Activities

Special events and church sponsored activities at Southlake Fundamental Baptist Church are a time for the church family to share in good fellowship and fun.

They are also a time to invite family and friends who may not regularly come to church to attend on a particular occasion to get a chance to meet some of the people in a less formal and non-threatening atmosphere where they will be more comfortable.

We aren't an overly formal church, but some people have apprehensions when considering visiting a church, depending on their past experiences. 

By coming to one of our church "get togethers," whether it's a ladies luncheon, a church picnic, our annual Christmas party, or even a Seniors outing, visitors can have the opportunity to get to know us a bit before coming to a regular scheduled church service. 

These special events also give the church family time to really enjoy the company of one another without rushing off to a Sunday school class or to get the kids home and in bed for school the next day. 

Christian fellowship is so important for believers and by taking the time and making the effort to take part in church sponsored activities you can be a blessing to and be blessed by your brothers and sisters in Christ.  We hope to see you at our next special event or activity!

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125 N. Court Street
Crown Point, IN 46307

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Service Times

Sunday Morning:
Sunday School  9:00 am

Morning Worship 10:00 am

Sunday Evening:
Choir Practice 5:00 pm
Discipleship Class 5:15 pm
Evening Service 6:00 pm

Wednesday Evening:
King's Kids 6:45 pm
Bible Study 7:00 pm