Upcoming Events at Southlake Fundamental Baptist Church

church calendar of eventsThere is always something going on at Southlake Fundamental Baptist Church!

You'll find the latest news, announcements, and upcoming events listed here.

If you want to keep up-to-date with all the latest goings on, subscribe to the church blog/RSS feed - just click on the little orange button at the left.

Spring Sunday School Contest!

Our Sunday School contest this Spring will begin on March 23rd and run through April 20th. Start praying about who to invite and begin asking now to get people committed to visiting a service with you.

April 20 - Family Photos for Directory

We will be taking family photos for the church directory on Easter Sunday this year. If you would also like some family portraits, see the bulletin board for more information if you are interested.

March Nursery Schedule

Sunday School - Lexy

AM Service
2nd - Deb
9th - Ashley
16th - Missy
23rd - Linda
30th - Deb

PM Service
2nd- Missy
9th - Linda
16th - Pam
23rd - Ashley
30th - Pam

5th, 19th Sheryl
12th, 26th Pam

Special thanks to all the ladies who share the nursery duties. You are appreciated.

March Junior Usher Schedule

The Jr. Ushers for March will be:
2nd Logan and Carter
9th CJ and Alex
16th Izzy and Ethan
23rd Alex and Izzy
30th Logan and Carter

March 9 - Time Change Reminder

Don't forget to set your clocks one hour ahead on March 9th (or before you go to bed on the 8th).

March Beginner Church Schedule

Beginner Church this month will be taught by:

2nd, 9th Jim and Cindy
16th, 30th Curtis
23rd Darden

March 14 - Ladies Lunch

Join us for a ladies lunch fellowship on March 14th at 11:30am. We will be meeting at Santa Fe Restaraunt at 1500 Summit in Crown Point. Hope you can join us!

March 25 - Men's Fellowship

The men are getting together this month for a meal and fellowship on Tuesday, March 25th at 5:30pm. Meet us at Portillos in Merrillville.

Ladies Bible Study March Schedule

Our ladies Bible Study this month will be held:

March 1st - 10:00am
March 15th - 10:00am
March 29th - 10:00am

Join us for a lovely time of fellowship, prayer, and encouraging each other in God's Word. Please join us!

March Birthdays and Anniversaries

Best wishes to everyone celebrating a birthday or anniversary in the month of March.

4 - John Rea*
8 - Darden
10 - Gonzalez Anniversary*
14 - Megan Gonzalez*
16 - Ed Marshall
20 - Sharon
20 - CJ
22 - Alaina Anderson*
25 - Jim Z
28 - Hilda Schurg*
30 - Mickey

The birthday fellowship this month will be hosted by Pam P. on March 16th.

March Missionary of the Month - Zarris

Our missionary focus this month is on the Zarris family, missionaries to CRI - Christian Radio International. Please keep George and Barbara Zarris in your prayers in an extra special way this month.

February 22 - Soup Supper and Game Night

Come along to the church on Saturday, February 22nd for our Soup Supper and Game night.

Bring along your favorite soup and join us for a fun time of eating, laughing, and challenging each other to a range of board games.

February 1st & 15th - Ladies Bible Study

Our ladies Bible Study this month will be held:

February 1st - 10:00am
February 15th - 10:00am

We have a lovely time of fellowship, prayer, and encouraging each other in God's Word. Please join us!

February Beginner Church Schedule

Beginner Church this month will be taught by:

2nd, 9th Jim and Cindy
16th Curtis
23rd Darden

February Missionary of the Month - Wilsons

Our missionary focus this month is on the Wilson family serving the Lord in Mexico. Please remember to keep Robert, Anny, Robert II, Veronica, and Rosalinda in your prayers this month for wisdom, strength, good health, and God's blessings.

February 25th - Men's Fellowship

The men will be getting together for a time of food and fellowship on February 25th at Carriage Court in Crown Point, at 5:30pm.

Come along and bring a friend!

February 2 - Teacher's Meeting

We will be having a teacher's meeting on Sunday evening, February 2nd, right after the evening service.

February Birthdays & Anniversaries

Best wishes to everyone celebrating a birthday or anniversary in the month of February!

1 - Joanna Frey*
4 - Tricia Dubbe*
8 - Pete
11 - Maria Spink*
13 - Seth Frey*
14 - Ashley
14 - Gary
14 - Robin & Cindy Anniversary
15 - Jolie Sock*
16 - Tony & Tabby Anniversary
18 - Pam York
19 - Anna Rea*
22 - Dan
24 - Dawn Whitmore*
25 - Lionel Gonzalez*

(*our missionaries)

Our birthday fellowship will be held on February 9th and will be hosted by Cindy Lion.

February Jr Usher Schedule

The Jr. Ushers for February will be:
2nd Logan and Carter
9th CJ and Alex
16th Izzy and Ethan
23rd Alex and Izzy

February Nursery Schedule

Sunday School - Lexy

AM Service
2nd - Deb
9th - Ashley
16th - Missy
23rd - Linda

PM Service
2nd- Missy
9th - Linda
16th - Pam
23rd - Ashley

5th, 19th Sheryl
12th, 26th Pam

Special thanks to all the ladies who share the nursery duties. You are appreciated.

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You'll find us at...

125 N. Court Street
Crown Point, IN 46307

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Service Times

Sunday Morning:
Sunday School  9:00 am

Morning Worship 10:00 am

Sunday Evening:
Choir Practice 5:00 pm
Discipleship Class 5:15 pm
Evening Service 6:00 pm

Wednesday Evening:
King's Kids 6:45 pm
Bible Study 7:00 pm