Vacation Bible School this year was a great deal of fun for both the workers and the kids. We had a pretty good turn out with 40 children in attendance.
Every summer we hold an annual VBS, and for the past several years we had the privilege of having the Boyle family with us to present the program. They always do such a great job.
Unfortunately, the Boyles were unable to be with us this year so we took the theme idea they were going to use and created our own program. We were pretty pleased with the results.
The crew in our Construction Zone was made up of a number of the church members who took part in the program by acting in skits, leading the singing, teaching lessons, leading the games, etc.
Everyone put forth a great effort and did their part enthusiastically.
The lessons each evening were all theme related...
As an incentive, the children were able to earn Construction Zone "CZ" Bucks to spend at the "Hardware Store."
They earned points for their team by attending, bringing visitors, memorizing Scriptures, and winning in the games.
They were also able to earn a trip to Sky Zone if they brought 3 first time visitors to VBS this year. Congratulations to Leah! She earned herself a trip to Sky Zone. :)
The highlight of the week was the salvation decisions that were made by some of the young people in attendance.
It makes all of the time and effort worthwhile when even one child comes to faith in Christ.
Of course, for those young people who were already saved, adding to their faith was our goal so they could continue to build on their foundation.
Special thanks to everyone who took part in some way throughout the week. All things considered, it was a rousing success!
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Crown Point, IN 46307
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Sunday Morning:
Sunday School 9:00 am
Morning Worship 10:00 am
Sunday Evening:
Choir Practice 5:00 pm
Discipleship Class 5:15 pm
Evening Service 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening:
King's Kids 6:45 pm
Bible Study 7:00 pm